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- Location: Totnes Road
Demolition Finished Year: 1990 STVW 0371
Demolition under way Year: 1990 STVW 0369
Foundation Stone Ceremony Year: 1910 EVNT 0007
Junction of Elm Road and Totnes Road Year: 1990 STVW 0367
Mrs W M G Singer lays 2 foundation stones of Workmans Flats Year: 1906 EVNT 0005
Mrs W M G Singer lays Foundation Stone Year: 1906 EVNT 0003
Primley Cottage fire 24 April 1914 Year: 1914 STVW 0373
San Remo Circa. 1990 STVW 0365
Silverlawns Totnes Road Year: 1908 STVW 0383
South Devon Postcard Club Year: 1985 CLUB 0001